Kathmandu | Tribhuvan University (TU) has once again found itself in turmoil, just as it was beginning to regain stability following the appointment of new officials. The ongoing dispute over the selection of a departmental head has reignited tensions, with increasing political interference causing significant disruptions within the university. This conflict has escalated to the point where some officials are unable to safely enter their offices.
The recent controversy centers on the appointment of a new head for the Central Department of Sociology. Students have issued death threats against Principal Pro. Dr. Khadge KC, demanding the appointment of their preferred candidate. As a result, both KC and Registrar Pro. Dr. Kedar Rijal have faced difficulties entering their offices, creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.
In response to these threats, the government mobilized police, led by a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), to ensure the safety of university officials. Since Wednesday, the officials have resumed their duties under police protection. Meanwhile, Vice-Chancellor Pro. Dr. Kesharjung Baral remains at home, recovering from an illness.
Minister of Education, Science, and Technology Bidya Bhattarai, who also serves as the university’s pro-chancellor, revealed that leaders of certain student organizations have been pressuring officials and professors to appoint their preferred candidate as the head of the department. Some have even resorted to threats of violence. On Wednesday morning, Minister Bhattarai took to Facebook to express his concerns about the deteriorating security situation at the university, urging the Home Minister to take swift action to protect the institution and its members from further acts of hooliganism.
Following Minister Bhattarai’s request, police were deployed to provide security to the offices of the Vice-Chancellor, Principal, and Registrar. The underlying issue in this dispute relates to the criteria established by the university’s Executive Council for promoting experienced and senior officers to leadership positions. The controversy erupted after the Dean’s Office of Humanities and Social Sciences allegedly altered the list of recommended candidates for the department head, which had been prepared based on seniority.
According to university sources, the dispute arose when the Dean’s Office, led by Pro. Dr. Kusum Shakya, recommended Associate Professor Tika Gautam for the position, despite her being ranked second on the list. This decision overruled the department’s original recommendation, which placed Associate Professor Pasang Sherpa at the top. The recommendation process was initiated by the former head of the department, Pro. Dr. Yuvraj Luitel, who submitted the names of three associate professors—Pasang Sherpa, Tika Gautam, and Manhari Dhakal—for consideration. However, the Dean’s Office’s decision to prioritize Gautam has sparked accusations of favoritism and fueled the ongoing conflict.
The recommendation was supposed to be forwarded to the Executive Council for approval, but the disagreement over seniority led the Dean’s Office to request additional information about all professors currently working in the Department of Sociology. This information has yet to be submitted, leaving the department without a head since July 32.
An unnamed university official revealed that students have threatened them to follow the Dean’s Office’s recommendation. “A student called me on Wednesday morning and threatened to kill me if I did not appoint the person they demanded as dean. How can anyone work in such an environment?” the official lamented.